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Hō. 9: Tūtohu Whenua

He kōrero tēnei mō te waka atua o Araiteuru, me te wāhi ki a ia i te auaha i ngā tūtohu whenua o Te Waipounamu. I raro i te mana o Hipo, i kawe mai a Araiteuru i te kūmara me te taro ki Aotearoa, ki Te Waipounamu anō hoki. Heoi i raruraru te waka i tētahi āwhā nui, ka tūpoki te waka ki Matakaea. Kei kōnā tonu i te rā nei. Ko ētahi o ngā kaumoana o te waka, ko ngā utanga anō i ngaro ki te moana, ā, ka huri hei tūtohu whenua. Ko Aoraki me tōna whānau ētahi i huri hei maunga, ko rātou tērā ko Kā Tiritiri o te Moana.

Ep. 9: Tūtohu Whenua

This is the story of the waka Araiteuru and the role it played in shaping the landscape of Te Waipounamu. Led by navigator Hipo, Araiteuru successfully introduced kūmara and taro to Aotearoa and Te Waipounamu. Araiteuru faced disaster during a treacherous storm and eventually capsized at Matakaea, where its upturned hull is still visible. Crew members and cargo were lost overboard and transformed into significant landmarks, including Aoraki and his whānau who transformed to become Kā Tiritiri o te Moana.

Hōtaka 9: Tūtohu Whenua
Te Reo Māori
Episode 9: Tūtohu Whenua
Episode 9
Episode 8
Episode 7
Episode 6

Hō. 6: Pūraho

I Te Whanganui-a-Tara a Ngāti Kurī e noho ana, heoi he tūtakarerewa te noho. I te tutū te pūehu i waenga i a rātou me ētahi atu iwi. Nā Pūraho te whakatau kia hūnuku atu tōna rāhi, ā, i heke rātou ki te pā o Kaihinu, i Te Waipounamu noho ai. Heoi he rite tonu te tutūnga puehu i reira, ka tohe, ka puta. I riro mā te tama a Pūraho, mā Marukaitātea te ara ka whāia e Ngāti Kurī e whakatakoto.

Ep. 6: Pūraho

Ngāti Kurī were based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara but there were growing tensions emerging with neighbouring iwi. Pūraho led his people to find a new home, and they settled at Kaihinu Pā in Te Waipounamu. But tragedy and conflict would follow Ngāti Kurī. It was left to Marukaitātea the son of Pūraho to determine how Ngāti Kurī would respond.

Hōtaka 6. Pūraho
Te Reo Māori
Episode 6. Pūraho

Hō. 7: Hinerongo rāua ko Tūteurutira

Ka noho atu a Ngāti Kurī ki te pā o Kaihinu i Te Waipounamu, ka tū atu he riri ki a Rangitāne. Ka pāhuatia tētahi pā o Rangitāne. I reira ka mauheretia tētahi wahine, ko Hinerongo. Nāwai ka mōhio a Tūteurutira he wahine rangatira tērā nō roto o Ngāti Māmoe. I whakatau ia kia whakahoki atu a Hinerongo ki tōna anō iwi. I tū ngātahi atu a Tūteurutira ki a Ngāti Māmoe kia whai utu, he mōrearea engari i roto i ēnei mahi āpea ka tau mai he rangimarie, āpea he whakauru hou.

Ep. 7: Hinerongo and Tūteurutira

After settling at Kaihinu Pā in Te Waipounamu, Ngāti Kurī faced conflict with Rangitāne. During a raid, they unknowingly captured Hinerongo, a Ngāti Māmoe woman from an important family. Realizing her true identity, Tūteurutira, a Ngāti Kurī chief, took her back to her people. He worked with them to take vengeance, a risky journey that turned into an opportunity for peace and alliances.

Hōtaka 7: Hinerongo rāua ko Tūteurutira
Te Reo Māori
Episode 7: Hinerongo and Tūteurutira

Hō. 8: Ngā Utanga
o te Waka

Nei te kōrero mō te waka atua o Araiteuru. Nāna te kūmara me te taro i kawe mai ki Aotearoa, ki Te Waipounamu anō hoki. I raro i te mana o Hipo, i tere atu te waka ki Hawaiki, ā, i whakahoki mai i ngā tipu hei whakatō ki te whenua nei. I raruraru te waka i tētahi āwhā nui o waho o te wahapū o te awa o Waitaki. Ka ngaro atu ngā utanga ki te wai, ā, ka korara atu ki Koekohe, ki Kātiki, ki Whatapāraerae. Ka tūpoki a Araiteuru ki Matakaea, ā, kei kōnā tonu i te rā nei.

Ep. 8: Ngā Utanga
o te Waka

This is the story of the waka Araiteuru and the role it played in introducing kūmara and taro to Aotearoa and Te Waipounamu. Led by navigator Hipo, Araiteuru voyaged to Hawaiki and back and successfully planted crops at various locations. However, the waka faced disaster during a treacherous storm near the Waitaki River. The crew lost precious cargo which washed ashore at Koekohe Beach, Kātiki Beach and Whatapāraerae. Despite these challenges, Araiteuru’s legacy endures and its upturned hull is still visible at Matakaea.

Hōtaka 8: Ngā Utanga o te Waka
Te Reo Māori
Episode 8: Ngā Utanga o te Waka
Episode 5

Hō. 5: Te Huataki

I Te Whanganui-a-Tara a Te Huataki e noho ana. Ko āna wāhine tokorua he tamāhine nā Tiotio, he ariki, he tohunga anō nō Ngāi Tahu. I a ia e hī ika ana i huri te hau, ā, ka tae kē te waka o Te Huataki ki Te Waipounamu. Ka pōwhiringa a ia e te iwi o reira, ka noho atu, ka moe wahine. Ka huri ngā rā, ka tūpono anō a Te Huataki ki te huringa hau i a ia e hī ika ana, ā, ka hoki kē ki Te Whanganui-a-Tara. I tana hokinga, ka māharahara ki te riri o tōna iwi mōna i pūrere atu. Heoi, i āna kōrero mō Te Waipounamu me te nui o ōna rawa ka piki kē te hīkaka o Tiotio mā.

Ep. 5: Te Huataki

Te Huataki was living in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. He married the daughters of Tiotio, another prominent chief and tohunga. One day whilst out fishing Te Huataki got blown off course and ended up in Te Waipounamu. He was welcomed by the iwi there and married into the tribe. Time passed, and fate would intervene again, with another fishing trip going awry, sending Te Huataki back to Te Whanganui-a-Tara. On returning, he knew that he might not be welcome. But his tales of the rich resources to be found in Te Waipounamu thrilled Tiotio and others, sparking their interest in exploring this new land.

Hōtaka 5. Te Huataki
Te Reo Māori
Episode 5. Te Huataki
Episode 4

Hō. 4: Pūharakeketapu

He rangatira nui a Marukaitātea nō roto o Ngāti Kurī. Nō Ngāti Kahungunu āna wāhine tokorua ko Te Waipūhā rāua ko Rongomaiwhāia. Ko te tikanga ia mā te tomo, mā te whakamoe ka whakakaha ake i ngā hononga o waenga i ngā iwi. Heoi anō he raru i puta i te whakamatenga o te whanaunga o Te Waipūhā rāua ko Rongomaiwhāia e te matua kēkē tonu o Maru. Kei huri a Ngāti Kahungunu ki te ngāki i tēnei o ngā matenga i tika atu a Maru ki te tiki atu i tōna whānau ake, ā, ko te oranga o tōna anō iwi i te aroaro.

Ep. 4: Pūharakeketapu

Marukaitātea was a prominent Ngāti Kurī chief. His wives, Te Waipūhā and Rongomaiwhāia were from Ngāti Kahungunu. Marriages helped build relationships and keep peace between different iwi. However, trouble arose when Maru’s uncle killed a relative of Te Waipūhā and Rongomaiwhāia. Fearful of retaliation from Ngāti Kahungunu, Maru risks everything to be reunited with his whānau and protect his people.

Hōtaka 4. Pūharakeketapu
Te Reo Māori
Episode 4. Pūharakeketapu
Episode 3

Hō. 3: He Iti Matā

E hia kē nei ngā iwi i noho atu ki Te Whanganui a Tara i roto i ngā tau. Ko Ngāti Kurī tētahi. Ko ētahi iwi ka noho tangata whenua atu, ko ētahi ka noho hōpuni ka rere noa i te tai timu. Ko tēnei te pūrākau e pā ana ki a Te Rākaitauheke me āna mahi mātātoa. Ka tutū te puehu, ka hinga tētahi, ka toa tētahi atu. Ko wai ka tohu, ko wai ka hua? Mātaki mai.

Ep. 3: He Iti Matā

This episode depicts the story of Te Rākaitauheke (Ngāti Kurī) and Tapu (Ngāti Kahungunu), who were known as rivals in Te Whanganui a Tara, the great harbour of Tara - unfortunately, the 'great harbour' wasn't big enough for the both of them. A lot of bad feelings had built up between them, to the point that one day, Te Rākaitauheke could no longer bear it. He started a fight that would have far-reaching consequences for him and his people.

Hōtaka 3. He Iti. Matā
Te Reo Māori
Episode 3. He Iti Matā
Episode 02

Hō. 2: Tapatapawhenua

Nā Ngāti Kurī te hekenga nui a Ngāi Tahu ki Te Waipounamu i kōkiri, i tūturu te noho ki Kaikōura i raro i te mana o te rangatira a Marukaitātea. I tautaia wā, tokomaha ngā rangatira o Ngāti Kuri, o Ngāi Tūhaitara i noho atu ki Kaikōura. I whakaāe katoa ko Maru te mana, engari he mana rangatira tonu ō rātou i hiahia hoki i ō rātou ake whenua. Nei te kōrero mō te rapa whenua a Makō rātou ko Te Rakiwhakaputa, ko Te Ruahikihiki.

Ep. 2: Tapatapawhenua

Ngāti Kurī led the Ngāi Tahu migration to Te Waipounamu and they established themselves at Kaikōura under their rangatira, (chief) Marukaitātea. There were many chiefs of Ngāti Kurī and Ngāi Tūhaitara and all were looking for the right locations to establish settlements of their own. This is the story of how Ngāti Kurī chiefs Makō, Te Rakiwhakaputa and Te Ruahikihiki claimed lands for their people.

Hōtaka 2. Tapatapawhenua
Te Reo Māori
Episode 2. Tapatapawhenua
Episode 01

Hō. 1: Makō i Ōpōkihi

Nei ko te kōrero mō Makō o Ngāti Kurī me āna mahi i roto i ngā whawhai i te wā i heke a Ngāti Kurī ki Kaikōura. I Ōpōkihi ko tētahi o ngā whawhai nui, i reira i kitea ko te toa o Makō.

Ep: 1: Makō at Ōpōkihi

This is the story of Makō of Ngāti Kurī and the battles which took place in Kaikōura when Ngāti Kurī arrived in the region. The battle at Ōpōkihi was a defining moment in history for the people of Ngāti Kurī and especially for Makō.  

Hōtaka 1. Makō i Ōpōkihi
Te Reo Māori
Episode 1. Makō at Ōpōkihi
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